Tuesday, October 25, 2011


We finally made it to California.....a mere two weeks ago! Forgive me for not updating as much as I should. I promise I'll try and do better! Let's see now, you should be caught up on the story of how we got here.

On our first day here I was star-struck by everything as we walked around: "This grass is California grass!" or "That jack rabbit over there is from California!" or "This wi-fi I'm using is pure Californian!"

I had trouble sleeping the first night because I kept thinking an earthquake would strike at any moment. That's true, it could...but I think I stayed up almost the whole night thinking things like:

"Okay, an earthquake could happen any moment...it could strike...NOW!!" *looks around*

"Or maybe....NOW!" *looks up at painting mounted above the bed*

"Oh great, what if this thing falls during the earthquake that could happen.............NOW!.....I am thinking too much!"

Being the worry wart that I am I slept with a pillow over my head. Ya know, just in case. The next morning I tried to move the painting to see how loose it was but it wouldn't budge. It was bolted to the freaking wall. So I slept with a pillow over my head for nothing, really.

The day after we got to California we started our great apartment search. This is a little known fact but looking for an apartment is kind of stressful. Who knew, right? We didn't really know where we were going or where the good parts of town were located so driving around aimlessly with the GPS shoved in the backseat seemed like a good idea. We stopped at a grocery store to grab one of those real-estate booklets hoping that would help a little. It was more or less a game of "turn to a random page and point and let's go there!"

Joe and I looked at several apartments, all within his housing allowance. Most of the places we saw were nice looking in a seemingly good area of town. I especially liked the one that was near a library (naturally!) As we continued to search we came across a few apartments that didn't give off good vibes. (I think the graffiti was a hint.)

As the sun was setting we had already narrowed down our choices to two apartments. We work fast; we are from Mississippi after all. I tried to pile our brochures and flyers we had been handed into a semi-neat pile but it ended up becoming a huge sea of papers on the floor. After returning to the Inn, our stomach reminded us that apartment hunting had made it hungry so we stopped to get dinner...at 4 pm...it seemed our bodies were still working on Central Time. That probably explains why I fell asleep at 8:30...So all in all we had a productive day apartment hunting and exploring the wild, wild west. (Right here is where that Will Smith song from the movie "Wild, Wild West" should pop into your head).

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